Chief Technology Officer CTO @ SKIPR based in Brussels Minimum of 8 days per month in the office

Typically, CIOs look inward, developing and using technology to improve company procedures and operations. The Chief Technology Officer is the executive responsible for the organization’s technological needs, as well as its research and development (R&D). Also known as the chief technical officer, this person examines the short- and long-term needs of the organization and uses capital to make investments aimed at helping the organization achieve its goals. A CTO usually reports directly to the company’s chief executive officer , but may also report to the firm’s chief executive officer . CTOs also manage vendor relations to ensure that service expectations are delivered. The CTO is also responsible for staying up-to-date on the latest technology trends and ensuring that the company’s products are using the best possible technology.

In fact, Haake says CTOs are well placed to move up the executive ladder. The underlying role of technology in modern business means Harvey Nash is seeing more requests for COOs with a technical background. Even if they don’t take on broader responsibilities and become COOs, the career outlook for engaged CTOs is bright. The inherent strength of the CTO is their detailed understanding of systems and services.

Why Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) Matter?

While some CTOs may not have a degree, but most CTOs are required to have a bachelors or master’s degree. The following diagram represents the executives in a large corporation, where a CTO reports to a CIO. For startups, a CTO usually is a cofounder of the company who builds its prototype and product. If you have more than a minimum of five years of experience with phenomenal skills, then you can get promoted as CTO easily.

chief technology officer cto

Today, innovation and first to adopt and introduce could make a difference in business growth. Before a technical person becomes a CTO, he or she usually had held several senior technology roles such as a director or a VP. Once you have a strong technical foundation, you will need to gain experience in leading and managing teams of engineers. This can be done by working your way up the ladder in a company or by starting your organization. The role of a CTO is rapidly evolving due to the ever-changing landscape of technology. CTOs must be able to adapt and change their strategies quickly to keep up with the latest trends.

What is a Chief Technology Officer?

When you read a job description for a CTO, it’s not uncommon for it to mention these different skills and competencies. CTO improves the social presence of the company by leading various technology related summits and seminars. In contrast, the CIO looks after the potential business partners to increase sales and gain new projects for the company. Rathi Murthy is the woman behind the company’s global media strategy. Murthy also oversees the company’s aim to innovate media applications for upcoming technologies – like extended reality, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and 5G. But the definition of CTO and his roles are not limited to this.

chief technology officer cto

They must also be able to work with a variety of different teams and stakeholders, as well as have a strong understanding of business. They need to focus more and more on developing the potential of their people, moving away from the purely technical and toward how people and teams can work together for the good of the business. Navigating this change requires a diversity of thought, and for business, that means new skills, experiences and potential.

The First CTO of the U.S.

Return-to-office health and safety protocols and related software and data. CTOs must make numerous business decisions relating to the type of CTO they become. Assist with the recruitment, retention, acquisition and sales efforts of the company.

They are responsible for outlining the company’s technological vision, implementing technology strategies, and ensuring that the technological resources are aligned with the company’s business needs. Most companies hiring a CTO want candidates with at least a bachelor’s degree and tons of IT management experience. You must stay on top of the latest trends and gain valuable time on the job.

Who Does a CTO Report To?

A startup founder CTO may just be a recent college graduate and may not have years of experience. But to become a CTO of a large or mid-sized company, you must have years of experience. To understand customers’ needs and business problems, a CTO often engage with customers business needs and communicate with them with possible solution.

  • In addition to fixing IT-related projects, the CTO is responsible for developing and evaluating the company’s resources, in how they relate to the technology.
  • That doesn’t always mean a CTO oversees the IT department or help desks.
  • The main responsibility of a CIO is the Information Technology strategy.
  • “It’s so nuanced and the title in itself can mean so many things to many different people,” says Haake.

This can include duties like upgrading technology to streamline online shopping or other key brand interactions. It can also mean using technology to create innovative new products that fit the company’s business model. A chief information officer is the executive responsible for managing and implementing information and computer technologies.

Chief Data Officer Job Description

A CTO is the focal point of the leadership and the technical people. A CTO creates a strategy and planning to execute with a vision and provides business leadership an efficient solution and get what is the role of a cto the approval of budget to hire resources. A CTO can’t lead a technology division unless he or she can think and have a broad vision of either adopting new technologies or creating own solutions.


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